How to Get The MOST From AcnEase


If your Acne is severe start with 12 tablets a day and continue this increased dose for at least 3 weeks. In addition, if you start with 8 tablets/day (minimum standard dose) and after the first two weeks you do not see a noticeable improvement -- increase the dose to 12 tablets a day.


You need at least one full month to reap the total benefits! For those with persistent acne two months of consistent use may be necessary. Remember unlike antibiotics, Accutane and retinoids there are NO side effects so use AcnEase® worry free and reap the benefits

3. KEEP AcnEase® HANDY!

If you suffered from persistent chronic Acne, and after you have successfully completed a standard 1-2 month treatment you may want to have AcnEase® around for a "backup." You may elect to continue with a maintenance dose for a while (4 tablets DAILY) -or at least have available a "rescue dose". When one or two pimples reappear you can take AcnEase® until they disappear. This does not mean that AcnEase® doesn't work, it simply means that you may have to use it to make it work for you.


In general, AcnEase® is a very effective alternative for the treatment of teen or adult acne and rosacea. However- there are no miracle drugs that cure 100% of people for any disease. Each person is unique, with his or her own personal body biochemistry. For the majority of individuals the standard minimum dose of 8 tablets/day will start to show results within 1-2 weeks. To achieve significant longer lasting results the full 1-month treatment period is required. For persistent, severe and chronic acne a larger ( 12 tablets a day) and longer up to 2 month treatment is recommended.

Acne does not develop in 1 day or 1 week; therefore it is unlikely to disappear in 1-2 weeks. The more serious your acne the longer it will take for your skin to improve. The more serious your acne or rosacea the higher the dose you will need to take to achieve the desired results.

Food and Acne – 10 Super-Foods that Help Acne

There is an open discussion about different food causing acne.  Food is much more than just a source of substance; it is a very important part of our lives and culture – so let’s look at the relationship between acne and food in a more comprehensive way.

In general, food does not cause acne directly. Acne is a manifestation of an internal imbalance that causes over production of skin oil (sebum) and this extra sebum and bacteria will clog the pores, cause inflammation and result in pimples or cysts.

On the other hand, food can cause allergies (hives are also pimples but not acne) and food can actually create and/or exasperate the internal imbalance, and in this way exasperate acne. This is why those with acne prone skin should avoid sugary foods, too many carbs (they turn into sugar) and fatty, fried and spicy foods that may actually imbalance your body. Obviously if you have specific food allergies, are lactose (milk and dairy) intolerant, have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, you should follow the diet that is prescribed for those health issues. Otherwise moderation is actually key.

On the other hand, certain foods may actually help you to fight acne.

Here are just some of the best super-foods to use in the battle against acne. Bon-Appe'tit!

  1. Foods rich in omega-3. Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties. So grill your wild salmon, sardines, trout and eat some caviar.
  2. Super-veggies. Try adding in the following cruciferous vegetables to your diet:  broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, bok choy and kale (they even score high for containing many anti-cancer substances).
  3. Green is in.  Chose dark greens, such as spinach and romaine lettuce, and even dark colored veggies, such as beets and red cabbage (which also can enhance immune system health).
  4. Wine anyone? Grapes and red wine are good to consume, in moderation of course (they even contain resveratrol which is a compound produced naturally by plants when under attack by pathogens).
  5. Bountiful beans. Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils contain saponins (antioxidants) and even protease inhibitors (block viral particles).
  6. Pick your berries. Add some blueberries and blackberries to your oatmeal or yogurt.
  7. Flex the muscle of your...flaxseed. Especially if you grind it yourself and consume when fresh, for the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (reduce inflammation) and other good fats, flaxseed is a great staple to keep in your kitchen.
  8. You are NOT a vampire - so love your garlic!  Make your meals that much better by adding in some garlic, onions, scallions, leeks and chives.
  9. Tea time. Put green tea on your shopping list.
  10. Pick those juicy tomatoes. Indulge in eating some tomatoes for the famous antioxidant flavonoid lycopene.