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Adult acne breakouts can be quite annoying during the summer. While you enjoy outdoors, barbecues and picnics you might not even notice but your favourite foods could be the reason to exasperate those pimples as some foods can do more harm than good to your body.
Acne is caused by secretion of too much oil (sebum) in the body. It can also be exasperated (amplified) by genetics, irregular menstrual cycle, stress, hot and humid weather and even by oil-based makeup. Acne can also lead to scars on the face if not taken care of properly. To avoid those unwanted pimples and potential marks and scars use the summer foods wisely to help not to harm
Marry Berries!!
Green Leaves
Fish and Grill
Here's a list of foods that you should limit or avoid when you have adult acne.
Breads, cakes and any type of carbs.
Fried food
AcnEase® specifically inhibits the impact of fluctuating hormone levels on sebaceous gland secretions while not changing hormone levels directly. It works as a buffer between the hormones and the sebaceous glands, thereby modulating the amount of sebum produced. This helps explain why AcnEase® is equally effective in treating both adolescent and adult acne in both men and women.
If you’ve been struggling with adult acne, or have just noticed a breakout on your face for the first time, have hope. AcnEase is formulated to treat all types of acne, from mild to severe (with a 96% user success rate!).