Get Rid of Causes of Acne and Make this Zit Disappear For Good

Get Rid of Causes of Acne and Make this Zit Disappear For Good

Nothing can be more frustrating and exasperating than a chronic acne problem

Acne is one of such a potential chronic issue that if not addressed properly may become a long term emotional and physical challenge, and even lead to acne scars and marks that can change your skin for life.

Since acne directly affects your appearance and the way you see yourself and you are seen , there is also a strong motivation to improve the symptoms as fast as possible, often forgetting about the necessity of a long term treatment to obtain permanent results.

So, can we do both? Zap the zit while also treating acne in a manner that will prevent new pimples from forming?

Yes! It is called an integrated approach, and this is how we've helped over a million acne sufferers to become ACNE -FREE

Acne is a manifestation of an internal problem, namely the overproduction of sebum (skin oil) by the sebaceous glands. This extra sebum together with dead skin cells and dirt creates an ideal condition for bacteria. This mix may cause inflammation that presents itself as acne (pimples, cysts, comedones etc). Considering that causes of acne are internal- the ONLY REAL treatment for acne is to reprogram your sebaceous glands to stop overproduction of sebum.

This will actually PREVENT new acne from coming and break the acne cycle. If we combine this PREVENTIVE action with a relatively quick symptomatic relief – we have won a battle with acne.

Unfortunately most of the products both topical and systemic (creams, lotions as well as antibiotics and even oral contraceptives focus on symptoms of acne but do not address real root cause of acne. In addition- the longer you have acne and the more severe it is, the longer road to recovery.


4 Major Components of an Integrated Battle Against Acne

1. STOP The Acne Cycle (Treat and Prevent).  Think about this. Acne is an external manifestation of an internal disorder. And how do you stop it from occurring? PREVENTION. The key to getting rid of your acne is to prevent it from coming. AcnEase is a first of its kind systemic botanical acne treatment that actually focuses on prevention by helping your sebaceous glands return to a normal secretion of sebum.

2. Decrease Existing Inflammation. Vitamins such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid in foods and supplements are helpful to manage inflammation from the insight and anti-bacteria and anti-inflammatory topical agents such as Neosporin (applied sparsely with a Q-tip on the pimples and cysts), or witch-hazel used for cleaning affected area twice a day, will help to address this issue. Please note that using harsh drying agents such as -salicylic acid or alcohol ( and products that contain them) will not be helpful. To the contrary, since those substances are drying and irritants and our skin is a rather “ smart” organ – it will respond with more production of sebum and more inflammation.

3. Hide and Camouflage without aggravating acne the problem. Nature has a chameleon, and we have some "tricks of the trade" to hide those unexpected and expected pimples or zap them clean (or almost clean) while working long term on making them disappear for good. Looking good and feeling good is actually good for you. These emergency tips and acne make-up tips help you to win the battle against acne by allowing you to stay on course to do so.

4. Support Your Body and Skin Long Term Health Integrating certain foods into your diet that include vitamins that support optimum skin health will only help your body with treatment and the continuation of helping to keep acne at bay long term.

Questions? Please contact us. We're here to help!

With a promise of clear skin,
Dr. Agnes

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