7 Easy Tips That Have a MAJOR Impact on Decreasing Acne Breakouts

7 Easy Tips That Have a MAJOR Impact on Decreasing Acne Breakouts

Often times when we have acne, we’ll do anything to find (and try) products that will make it go away, quickly and easily. At first, we usually don’t consider some of the contributing factors that can make it worse. We actually spend more time trying different products in hopes that something works, and less time on analyzing how our daily habits could be affecting our skin.

Daily habits are so routine that we do them without notice sometimes. Habits can be tough to change but with practice, research shows that adjusting them can have a MAJOR impact on decreasing acne breakouts.

So let’s get right into it!


Before washing your face, wash your hands. Always remember to use a clean wash cloth, if using, and towel. When engaging in normal activities that don’t involve exercising and sweating, wash your face twice a day, in the morning and again before bed (if you exercise or excessively sweat from an activity, do your best to wash your face and body as soon as possible). Using warm tap water and a mild cleanser, gently wash your face, neck and décolletage, in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds. Only exfoliate your skin once or twice per week. If you have active acne, avoid exfoliating until the cysts heal. If you have whiteheads and/or blackheads, only exfoliate once a week.


Always wash your face and skin after sweating or intense physical activities. Try to wash your face immediately after a workout or extended periods outside when you develop a sweat. Don’t let sweat dry on your skin, as this can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.


Avoid touching pimples, which can cause deeper problems and lengthen the amount of time needed for your acne to heal properly. Popping or squeezing blemishes may increase inflammation, damage the cells, and push bacteria further down into your skin. If the skin damage is deep, it can lead to permanent scarring. Instead of popping and squeezing, “spot treat” (learn more here on how to do this) – for example, dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil or in pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide and dab it on the pimple(s) 3 times a day. Use sparsely and only on the pimple(s). Follow with a green concealer (to counteract the redness) and then a concealer on top of that that matches your skin tone.


Always make sure your hands and cell phone are clean before touching them to your face. Your cell phone is a breeding ground for bacteria and a depository for oil and dirt. Wipe your cell phone frequently with antibacterial wipes or isopropyl alcohol (a great disinfectant) and try to avoid touching your face with your hands or any other object. Make it a routine! Earbuds are a great alternative for this common problem. It is a good rule to assume your hands and cell phone are dirty unless they have been cleaned recently. Every time you touch something, the germs on your hands and fingers transfer to and from objects. Because the dirt and germs are often too small to notice, we assume that the everyday objects we come into contact with are clean. Some common items in addition to cell phones include your computers, keyboards, iPads, iPods, other electronic devices, keys, credit cards, computer bags, etc. Be sure to clean these items with antibacterial wipes or isopropyl alcohol (be careful not ruin your electronics) as often as possible.


Try to keep hair products away from your hair line. During the day, they may seep down onto your face (you probably won’t even notice this happening), blocking your pores and causing acne. Also avoid getting fine-mist products on your skin. Often, when spraying hair spray or other products, it inevitably settles on your face and other exposed areas which can additionally lead to clogged pores and acne. Try to cover your face with a washcloth before using products with this type of application and move out of the “spray zone” long enough to let the products dissipate from the air. Also try to buy oil-free, non-comedogenic products which will minimize the negative effects if it does get on your skin.


The biggest concern with makeup is that it is often applied and worn on a daily basis. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to your skin’s health to use non-comedogenic make-up, which won’t clog your pores. Always remember, less is best when applying makeup. The more makeup that you apply to your skin, the greater your chances of clogged pores and breakouts. Lastly, remember to always remove the makeup before cleansing your skin. These are two separate steps in your skincare regimen.


For those on AcnEase®, it is essential to not skip any doses. Compliance is key! Acne is a disease and must be treated in order to break the cycle. By skipping a treatment, stopping it too early, or using it irregularly, the product is not given ample time to perform its job. What is seen on the surface of your skin is not indicative of what is happening under the skins surface. The pimple formation may take up to 14 days. When the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum, it takes time to balance their activity levels and return them to normal levels. With AcnEase®, your body is changing how it responds to the hormones in your body and this takes several weeks, sometimes months, for the results to appear on the outside.

These simple tips will help ensure your skin is as clean as possible so that AcnEase® can do its job. The cleaner your skin, the less likely you are to suffer from acne. However, that principle works best when you are committed to your skins health and are taking the necessary steps to make acne-free skin a priority in your life. If you aren’t already using AcnEase®, it’s the best natural way to eliminate acne and break the acne cycle. Our 100% botanical ingredient based treatment has a 96% proven success rate, with zero side effects and it can be taken by anyone...men or women, teens or adults, pregnant* or nursing** mothers.

Please share with us any comments or tips that you use to keep your skin clean. We would love to hear from you!

** Always consult with your physician about ANY supplement or medication you plan to take if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are nursing.

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