AcnEase® is a clinically validated Botanical Therapeutics® acne treatment that not only breaks the cycle of acne, but also ELIMINATES and PREVENTS acne from the inside out. A “better than natural” trade secret blend of the highest quality grade herbs, AcnEase proprietary ingredients restore the balance disrupted by the factors that cause acne and return the sebaceous glands to a balanced state so they produce a normal amount of sebum (skin oil).
Though exercise is good for your weight, agility, stamina, cardio, and managing stress, it can also carry some unexpected and not very pleasant effects.
However, if we know what these side-effects are and learn how to control or prevent them, we can fully enjoy benefits of all form of exercising.
It is not easy to keep caring about our skin if we feel no one will see us, if our routine is broken, when we feel lonely, depressed, un-productive, anxious about our future and striped from power to control our lives. In recent weeks, there is NO ONE who did NOT experienced at least one of those feelings at least once.
But while a full make-up at 7:00 am may not be most important on your agenda today keeping up your normal skin routine and even enhancing it by few important and relevant changes is very important
Spring is here. Summer is coming. The seasons where heat and humidity can play havoc on oily and acne prone skins. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and is composed of many components – water, lipids and proteins. The top layer of the skin, the one that you see, plays a vital role in your health. It protects our insides from germs and infections. It regulates body temperature, maintains water and electrolyte balance, and helps us sense pleasure and pain. The body’s largest organ is always working for you.
As a teenager struggling with acne, you couldn’t wait for adulthood to help get rid of it because all the creams and potions you used were not effective. But you are all grown now and sadly the “adulthood medication” didn’t work for you—you’re still at war with Acne, but it’s better now because you can afford more expensive solutions but yet again, they still aren’t effective and the dream of unblemished glass skin is still as far as it once was.
Between having a family, working, keeping up with family and friends (and surviving the awful traffic), you still haven’t figured out your skin. You’ve gone from antibiotics, lotions and creams to facials, herbal teas and even prayer. To make matters worse, you also have relics from your darker past (acne marks). We see you; we understand your struggle and guilt. You barely even remember to drink water at times, talk more of any daily 10-step skincare routines.
Acne and pimples. Something that is feared and loathed. Many treatments help lessen the impact of acne over time, and help the skin renew itself for acne-free skin. The acne and pimples of yesterday, may leave reminders of the pimply past today. The war on acne may be over, but the scar may be left after battle. So what does one do to combat a future without possible acne scarring?
What’s the right way to cover zits with makeup? Covering up any pimples with the most full coverage foundation and concealer is the knee-jerk reaction for most of us, right? I mean, covering them up just makes them look like they’re not there anymore…
Or, at least that’s what the effect is supposed to be. In reality, it can often look very obvious when someone is trying—and failing—to cover up acne. Luckily, there is a right way to cover up acne with makeup!
However, makeup and acne are a combination that needs to be taken seriously—trying to cover up acne with makeup could be making it worse in some cases. Called acne cosmetica by skin care professionals, it usually manifests as smaller pimples in specific areas of the face. For example, pimples around the lip area could be signs of the lipstick being the culprit.
There seems to be a super-frustrating trade-off for gym junkies like me who love working out. Hear me out—I'm proud of my physique, but the thing is, working out on the regular is directly related to how much body acne I'm dealing with. My only comfort? I know I'm not alone! Almost any person that works out—whether it's yoga, cycling, or weightlifting—KNOWS that there are going to be pimples that pop up on their chest, back or even on their bum, depending on the sport they do.
As the sun has set on Summer, your skin is now trying to deal with the season changes of Fall. Different environment, different foods, change of lifestyle. Nothing much may bloom in Fall, but pimples and acne may be the exception. Fall does present its own challenges in fighting acne, or breakouts. In Summer, humidity would keep the skin hydrated as the air would be moist. But as Fall has hit the ground running, the outside air is colder and dryer. We spend more time indoors, where the heating is also dry. Skin may become irritated. Breakouts and acne may occur. But it does not need to be this way.
For those who have experienced any form of acne and pimples, it isn’t fun. Thinking a volcano is on your face, with everyone looking to see, one would get a bit self-conscious. With important life events, such as dating, school photos, or becoming an adult at 21, some younger men may think they have by-passed the usual teenage curse, even with its raging hormones, but then they see themselves struck with something that can be a confidence knocking experience. It’s the adult acne that is quite common for males. Lifestyle choices may heighten the acne and pimple breakouts, but hormones can contribute. But why?
Have you ever wondered to think if it’s a myth or not that chocolate causes zits? The link between diet and acne isn’t clearly understood—at least, not yet. There’s no doubt that what we eat affects our whole bodies, skin included, but is it really as simple as a chocolate bar or can of soda causing new breakouts the next day?
And that’s not even going into how intense some people’s skin seems to react to certain foods. While the correlation isn’t fully established, a growing number of people claim that particular food groups don’t just break them out—they’re the direct cause of cystic acne.
Being a teenager does come with its fair share of pros and cons. The first love. The first kiss. The first dates. Then when you add the world of fashion, beauty, reality TV, and social media, the teen world can get pretty confusing. Then when acne and pimples appear, it can get disappointing. Teen Acne is something that is very common, especially with the changing hormones and stresses that can plague them. This is the time where image may be everything, and looking their best is crucial. But does it have to be this way? No, as AcnEase can help teens through the progression of teen acne to the maintenance of post acne. It’s back to the basics of skin care and health from the inside.
Did you know that the type of skin you have can influence the type of acne that you have, and how to treat it? Topical treatments have never been one-size-fits all, and it's important to understand your skin type to treat it properly.
While AcnEase is designed to work for all skin types, there are a couple of extra steps that you can take to ensure that your skin is happy and healthy from the inside out that totally depend on your skin type. Your skin type is usually a result of your genetics, but in extreme cases, it can be induced by using the incorrect products for your skin!
The truth about acne is that it can develop anywhere on the body where there are sebaceous glands. While the most common (and visible!) area affected by acne is the face, some of us know by personal experience where else acne can erupt—like the shoulders, back, chest, and even on your backside. Yes, for real—that’s not a joke! Back acne is so common it even has its own terminology, bacne.
That aside, we all know the feeling of wanting to hide parts of our body because of body acne—but that’s sometimes better said than done, especially in the hotter months. So what can you do when you don’t want to be embarrassed by how your back, chest, or shoulders look?
In the summertime, our skin often changes along with the rising temperatures - hotter weather usually means that our sweat and oil glands go into overdrive, creating the perfect conditions for breakouts. That doesn’t mean that you have to suffer all through the summertime with some extra pimples - there are steps that you can take to keep your skin as clear as possible all summer long.
When it comes to acne, it seems like the most common piece of advice given is “Just wash your face!” as if that solves every single cause of acne - hormonal, diet, makeup, whatever. However, if it were really that simple, no one would have acne - ever.
What matters is what you actually wash your face with. There’s no denying that our skin is affected by what we use on it, so why would face wash be an exception?
It may sound a little strange but SKIN s the largest and a very important organ we have.
Skin provides protections for most of our other internal organs, helps to regulate body temperature and our water content, keeps away harmful agents and even bacteria
Skin is also an important part of who we are, our personal ID card, so sometime it is a source of pride and happiness and sometime-a trouble maker
Acne is a skin condition that often affects those who are just beginning their adolescence. But Acne can also appear throughout adulthood. But it doesn’t have to be this way for either phase of life. Here are some helpful guidelines for those with Acne-prone skin which could help prevent acne or benefit your skin to prevent a recurrence of skin condition.
We all know the universal struggle of having clear, flawless skin - but how do we know the path to clear skin if we don’t know what’s causing our acne?
The causes of acne and breakouts can be sorted into two main causes - internal and external.
Imagine waking up from your morning slumber and knowing that you have that school prom, that date, or a special event later that evening. You head to the mirror and see the zit on your chin. You see another on your cheek. You freak out, and you try to mask it with something, like make-up or a cream. You hope it vanishes by the
time of the special event. You get stressed over it. It seems to get worse. This is familiar in many households, even on a daily basis.
Nearly every teen gets acne at some point. Obviously the degree of acne breakouts will vary from sporadic pimples to a true “invasion” of acne cysts. So -it is not a surprise that nearly every teen spends loads of time and money trying to get that acne to go away.
Have you ever wondered what type of acne you have and how they are formed? Before we go further, let us first discuss what acne is and what causes acne. There are two classes of acne; acute and chronic acne. Although they both present the same surface symptoms and are formed the same way, the underlining cause is different for these two classes of acne.
Amongst the eat healthier, exercise more, volunteer more resolutions, there would be a number of people who finally decide to join the “go to natural” movement this new year 2019. The reason for this is that more and more people are beginning to realize natural remedies/products are just as effective as chemical products. Plus there is the added benefit of minimal to no side effects and more synergistic interaction with your internal functions to produce better sustainable results. As such the use of natural skin care products/remedies for the treatment of acne is on the rise.
Many of you have probably heard claims from commercials, friends and family about miracle acne treatments that work overnight. Then there’s the grandma advise to avoid makeup altogether if you are prone to acne and use your inner beauty to dazzle the world….
Before you start making lifestyle changes that will not work or affect the way you feel about yourself and make hefty purchases for miracle cures that don’t work and contain toxic ingredients that actually damage your skin, here are a few facts you should be aware of.
More than 80% of Americans between the ages of 11 and 24 experience some of form of acne. For some the acne begins at puberty and ends shortly after. While for others this becomes a lifelong struggle that persists for many years. If your acne has persisted for longer than 2 years, then the odds are you are suffering from chronic acne as opposed to acute acne. Acute acne is the infrequent acne that shows up occasionally as a result of environmental factors, diet, or a brief hormonal surge. These surface symptoms can be easily treated with masks, streamers, etc. Though, acute acne and chronic acne may be caused by different factors, the way they form is the same in both cases.
Adult acne can be quite embarrassing and it makes us self-conscious in social gatherings. Hence, we are often willing to do anything to get rid of these facial blemishes. Men in general are a lot more willing to try pills gotten online or recommended by their dermatologists without reviewing the risk factors. This is because while a woman can hide her acne behind foundation and makeup, most men are unwilling to do this as they see makeup as the feminine. Accutane the most commonly recommended drug by dermatologists to treat acne was pulled off the market due to adverse side effects and is a subject of Class action Suite.