Submit your skincare questions to Dr. Agnes, CEO of Herborium and natural medicine expert
Acne is acne, right? Yes and no. Some types are more mild, while others require more knowledge and treatment in order to experience relief. One such type of acne is called cystic acne.
This form of acne is the most advanced form of acne and will not go away on its own. In order to treat cystic acne, you must either take preventative measures and take action with a treatment that will work to treat this form of hormonal acne at it’s source. If left untreated, cystic acne can appear in the form of deep, painful cysts, and often results in acne scars which are hard, if not impossible, to eliminate. These pus-filled cysts form below the skin, and often resemble boils. While some opt for ice compresses to reduce swelling, others with severe and frequent cystic acne may opt for painful cortisone injections from a dermatologist. Both of these solutions may work to temporarily reduce swelling, but don’t actually work to address the actual cause of the problem, which is the only real way acne will ever be eliminated. Cystic acne is among the hardest to treat with topical solutions, making a systemic regimen such as AcnEase® a perfect and practical solution for those suffering from cystic acne.
If you have cystic acne, there are some simple, everyday things you can do to help make your symptoms less severe. Check out this quick and easy guide to direct you toward relief, and away from painful, long-lasting symptoms!
Cystic acne may come with some slightly different symptoms than othertypes of acne, but like all forms, the only real way to treat acne is toaddress the problem at the source, which AcnEase does in order toreveal true results. Using safe and effective, all-natural ingredients, AcnEaseworks to create a buffer between the hormones and the sebaceous glands toeliminate acne before it starts! When combined with any of the above-mentionedtips, you can rest assured that you are giving your skin it’s best shotpossible at remaining free of cystic acne, and other acne vulgaris symptoms!